competition guidelines
Competition Rules and Registrations:
By registering for interest you are agreeing to the below Competition Guidelines. Any queries regarding these guidelines can be raised directly via the contact page.
Entry is via Registration only. Please register your school and interest in this season’s competition online by filling in the location of your school and your preferred competition venue as well as the number of entries you wish to enter and in which age divisions they will fall.
All registrations will be responded to with a total entrance cost as well as regional venue allocation.
Once payment has been made your spaces will be confirmed and you will receive all following relevant information and confirmations
Our 2025 season’s regionals will be held in the spring with the nationals held in the summer.
Each school is responsible for their own students as well as providing their own licensed chaperones, the following is required:
Under 2 years: One adult for every three children
2–3 years: One adult for every four children
4–8 years: One adult for every six children
9–12 years: One adult for every eight children
13–18 years: One adult for every ten children
Depending on venue school’s may need to share waiting facilities. If you need any special requirements please make them known at time of registration.
Our dancer’s safety is of our upmost priority. Because of this we will be asking for identification at the venue of each of the licensed chaperones and teachers attending the competition backstage alongside their appropriate licenses which will be requested prior to the competition date. Please note that failure to supply these necessary documents may result in removal from the competition and disqualification.
Family members may purchase tickets to watch the competition. These will need to be requested and purchased by the studio owner or lead register ahead of time and the tickets will be allocated to them to send out. The studio owner or lead register is responsible for ensuring the identity of each ticketholder assigned to their school’s seating.
Any behaviour including but not limited to be deemed as: anti-social, threatening, abusive, discriminatory or unsafe by any member of the competition staff will not be tolerated and will result in immediate disqualification and legal action.
The consumption of alcohol or any illegal substances prior to or during the competition is strictly prohibited and will result in immediate disqualification and legal action.
Dancer’s competing may not leave the venue site until the end of the competition. Individual studio owner’s or lead register’s are responsible for knowing their student’s whereabouts at all times as well as dismissing at the end of the competition. Capital City Dance do not take any responsibility for the above.
Guidelines for the day and performances:
Each school is expected to stay for the duration of the competition. We aim to keep these days no longer than eight hours.
Please bring plenty of water as well as food for the entire day. Students are not permitted to leave the venue until competition end. Individual studios are responsible for ensuring all of these refreshment needs are required.
Solo performances must be a minimum of 45 seconds and a maximum of two minutes.
Duo/Trio Performances must be a minimum of 60 seconds and a maximum of two minutes.
Small Group Performances must be a minimum of 90 seconds and a maximum of two minutes and thirty seconds.
Entries with more than one dancer must include the following:
At least eight counts of eight similar choreography (unison, accumulative canon, developed motif)
All candidates must be on stage for a minimum of 75% of the routines entirety.
Choreography and Theme must be age appropriate in consideration to all dancers in the specific entry
Small Groups must have a minimum of four dancers and a maximum of twelve dancers
The day will run via category and age division beginning with Mini Soloists all the way through to Small Group Seniors.
Awards will follow each category and the top 3 scorers will be recognised via age division. The top 3 scorers of each age division will be invited to perform at the national competition in London.
At the end of the competition day we will also be scoring top overalls in the entire category across all ranges. We will only be awarding 1st Place for these overall scores. These winners will be awarded the title of Mister/Miss of your region for CCD’s 2025 circuit.
Special awards may also be awarded on the day dependent on competition content.
Age Divisions:
Age divisions will be determined on the age of the entrant at the end of this current academic year being 31st August 2025.
For Duo/Trio and Small Groups the age of the group will be determined by the mean average of all entrants.
Age divisions will be as follows:
Mini’s - Ages 5 and under
Juniors - Ages 6 - 9
Pre - Teen - Ages 10 - 12
Teen - Ages 13 - 15
Senior - Ages 16 - 18Evidence of all entrants ages will be required prior to the competition. We ask you to keep an electronic or physical copy of this evidence to hand during the competition day.
Any school, studio or institution found to be providing false information regarding entrant’s ages will be disqualified.
Each category is determined by age and size of entrance. Scores will be allocated on the following criteria:
Performance - Out of 25: Performance including: musicality, face and body embodiment of character, execution of the style, storytelling and charisma.
Technique - Out of 25: Dependent on the genre will be marked by either classical or vocational technique.
Choreography - Out of 20: based on: the level of difficulty in the choreography and how well this is executed on stage, choreographic techniques clearly visible and originality of piece.
Music - Out of 10: based on: how well the piece is cut and delivered to the audience, style of music and its translation the piece and genre of dance
Costume - Out of 10: based on: relation to the style of the piece and character portrayal, synchronicity in cases of multiple dancers and craftsmanship.
Overall Execution - Out of 10: based on all of the above criteria, mixed with the watchability of the piece and the overall emotional and enjoyable affect the entry had on the judges.
Each judge scores out of 100. This accumulative score out of 100 is then added together and divided by the total number of judges to reach the final overall score.
In case of a tie in scores, this will be broken by the highest Overall Execution Score. In case of another tie in this instance, ties will be broken by the following categories in respective order until one entrant reaches a higher result: Performance, Technique, Choreography, Music, Costume.
All score sheets and feedback for your school will be electronically forwarded to the lead register of the school following the competition.
In the case of score querying in an overall category, these must be brought to the attention of the faculty prior to the end of the competition. A judge representative will be happy to talk you through the scores and feedback of each school in the category upon request, however no inquiries will be valid past the competition end time.
Please note we cannot divulge personal information regarding any of the school’s registered to any other school, persistent request will result in disqualification from the competitions.